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Reflection on “Web 2.0 Share the Adventure” by Sylvia Martinez (K12Online07)

Reflection on “Web 2.0 Share the Adventure” by Sylvia Martinez (K12Online07)

Sylvia Martinez’s excellent presentation serves as both a strong introduction for teachers beginning their Web 2.0 journey, as well as a great extender for those already using the tools to consider how to further involve students in the process. Sylvia points out that she is focusing on any technology tool (Web 2.0 or otherwise) that “enhances classroom collaboration and students doing things.”

Sylvia gives some great tips on how to convince districts to allow these tools to be used, and encourages us to first define the “educational goal” before even considering what technology to use. We must remember that this is an “educational mission” first and foremost, and I would argue that in doing this, we may find that technology actually doesn’t benefit the “mission” and we must be open to that, rather than bringing in “cool tools” for “coolness” sake.

I love the idea of getting students involved by “taking stock” of what equipment already exists in the school. This could be an eye-opening experience for teachers and students in the sense that teachers may be amazed at what students come up with for ideas to use the equipment, and students may be amazed by how much equipment may exist in storage. Putting the “testing” and “gathering” of the equipment into the hands of students is empowering and puts them immediately into the “driver seat” of implementation.

I’ve considered the idea of establishing “tech teams” of students (motivated by Kern Kelly’s work) and am still trying to figure out how to implement that at my elementary level with the limited time that I have.

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1 Kern Kelley { 04.24.08 at 11:15 pm }

Hey Bob, if you ever want to chat about some tech team ideas you’ve got my email!


2 Bob Sprankle { 04.25.08 at 8:21 am }

Yeah, Kern! Let’s set up some time for that! Sounds like a podcast!


3 Kern Kelley { 05.03.08 at 5:19 am }

That sounds great! - just let me know when

4 Nilah { 05.10.08 at 5:41 am }

Bob, have I said this before. Your podcasts are awesome. I am learning so much from you. I’m a 5/6 teacher retiring in June but I hope to get an endorsement in technology for a possible part-time position in the future. Your podcasts are and will be a great resource for me. I can’t keep up with them now but I’ll have time soon!

5 Bob Sprankle { 05.11.08 at 8:49 am }

Thanks so much for the feedback, Nilah!


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