Pumpkin-Pie PLN

(cross-posted at TechLearning)

In case you’re unaware, TechLearning actually has a schedule for its bloggers to post, and having been assigned the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month, I’ve had the honor and pleasure to post on Thanksgiving Day for the past 3 years. And by Thanksgiving, I mean America’s celebration of Thanksgiving… forgive me for being US-centric when I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, because I am fully aware that for many of our readers, today is no different than any other day, and a turkey is just a turkey rather than a centerpiece for a Norman Rockwell-esque depiction of an idealized perfect day… complete with football and gravy.

I’m going to keep this post short because I know my American readers have a lot of stuffing to conquer and “half-time” leaves very little opportunity for checking your RSS feed. In fact, I call upon the community —the Global Community— to help fill in the blanks of this post, because I’ve got turkey of my own to tackle. And whether you live in the USA or not, I wonder if we could all take a moment to comment on this question:

“What are YOU truly THANKFUL for?”

I’ll start off with the dessert because for me Thanksgiving means so many things, but I must admit, Pumpkin Pie plays a very important role. Perhaps you can all fill in the rest of the  “main course” in the comments to complete our “virtual meal.”

For my dessert share, I’d like to publicly proclaim my deep THANKS for my Personal Learning Network (my PLN). It would take too long and in fact, I’m not even sure I could list everyone who makes up my PLN. It’s that immense, not to mention, that it grows by the moment.

Hopefully you know who you are when I give you my sincere thanks, but I know that many of you do not even know you are a part of my PLN, because that is the nature of the network: we are fueled by and connected to each other in so many ways that it’s almost impossible to describe the web that brings us together and sustains us.

Most of you are in my Twitter feed. Many of you are in my Flickr groups, my Diigo groups, my RSS feeds. You fill me up. My cup is brimming over daily by all the hard work you do.

You are my Pumpkin Pie. You are my dessert throughout each and every day.

And I thank you.

Who or what are you Thankful for? Please add to the comments below. We’ll call this our Thanksgiving Meme.



photo by mackenziephoto

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2 Responses to Pumpkin-Pie PLN

  1. Cheryl Oakes says:

    As I drink my tea, the day after Thanksgiving, I am catching up on my reading and find this great post. I echo what Bob has said, I am thankful for all in my PLN. I am thankful that years ago, 5 of them, I joined Webheads. However, this year, I am particularly thankful to have joined the ranks, again, of Special Educators searching for the best UDL and AT, (Universal Design for Learning and Assistive Technology) options for our students. I promise to share!

  2. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving! Please Pass the Purpose — bit by bit

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