Student News: June 10, 2005

Colors Day is a really special day [for] our school. It represents team work, cooperation, participation, and fun. Every year on Colors Day we play "Bucket Brigade," "Tug of Colors," "Relay Races," and "Classroom Challenge". On Colors Day we will wear orange because that is our team color.

This week we started "Spirit Week". Spirit Week is when we wear the colors of the Colors Day teams. On Thursday, we wore red. On Friday, we wore Orange. Monday, we will wear Blue. On Tuesday, Green. On Wednesday, we will wear Purple. On the last day of Spirit Week we will wear Yellow.

Pretty soon, on Colors Day, the "Joshua Stevens Award" will be given out to seven people. The "Joshua Stevens Award" is an award that is given to seven of the most reliable, responsible, respectful, kind, cooperative, leaders [who] are constantly doing good deeds. Teachers, administrators, and faculty of WES vote for nominees.

All of this dates back to 1997 when [student] Joshua Stevens died of a brain tumor. They started the award the next school year after he died. They started the award because Colors Day was his favorite day and he was so dedicated to school [that] he still went when he was sick. There is a huge ceremony on Colors Day when the awards are presented. That is why the "Joshua Stevens Award" is so important to our school.

Another Awesome thing we did this week is we got to see an Owl Presentation in our classroom. There was a woman named Courtney from Chewonki that came to teach us about owls. Chewonki Foundation is a place for animals that have been hurt or lost. It is also a school (but it's not like ours) for people to learn about animals. Courtney brought 3 owls. One was a Saw Wet owl (that only weighed 2 ounces). The second one was a Barred Owl and the third one was a Great Horned owl . Courtney had to put a mat down so the owls wouldn't go to the bathroom or spit up a pellet on the rug. A pellet is the fur and bones of the animals that it ate the night before. The little Saw Wet owl spit up a pellet. Courtney accidently caught it and she regretted [it]. The second and first owl went to the bathroom but luckily they landed on the mat.

[Another] thing we did this week is that some of the students started frog research. The frog research is about the point of view of a frog and the life cycle of a frog. After we are finished with the research part, we write a script about the point of view from a frog during the life cycle stages. So far we have started the scrip and just need to finish the ending. We are having a lot of fun with this unit so far and are looking forward to putting the play on the podcast.

[Finally, we had a fire drill this week]. We have fire drills all the time. Do you know what they are for? Practice and Safety. The main reason is that we have to be able to get out of the building safely when there is a fire. When there is a fire drill, the fire alarms go off, and we get into a straight and silent line. After we get into a line, we get out of the building quickly. It is very important that we stay quiet because the teachers need to be able to hear the walkie talkies. When we are outside, Mr. S calls the roll. If there is somebody missing, Mr. S holds up a red card and it is reported. If everybody is here, he holds up a green card. Fire drills are to make sure every child is safe in the school.

Posted: Fri - June 10, 2005 at 08:18 AM

