Seedlings @ Bit by Bit Podcast: March 29, 2007 Show 17
Alice, Cheryl, Bob, Cathy, Deb, and Michael come together in this Flat World over FlatBread .
Links from the show:
“Geek of the Week” Links:
- Education World (shared by Cheryl)
- ToonDoo (shared by Michael)
- Fastr- a Flickr Game (shared by Alice)
- Ruben Puentadura’s weblog with links to resources on digital storytelling (shared by Cathy)
- Springdoo (now with Palcast) (shared by Bob)
- Technology and Learning eNewsletter (shared by Deb)
Technorati Tags: SEEDLINGS, podcast, cheryloakes, alicebarr, bobsprankle, SEED,
2 responses so far ↓
1 Dave Fugate // Apr 1, 2007 at 7:56 pm
No wisdom, just looking for some, What do you use to embedd the pod cast on your page. Here is why I’m asking. I have students read a story they’ve created, I want to post that reading on my blog page and I want it to play just as your podcast plays? Any help would be appreciated.
2 Bob // Apr 2, 2007 at 5:39 pm
Hi Dave,
I just put the link to the file in the blog entry.
Hope that helps
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