Seedlings @ Bit by Bit Podcast: March 26, 2007 Show 16
Alice, Cheryl, and Bob share their latest happenings (this time without fries).
Links from the show:
“Geek of the Week” Links:
- Springdoo (now with Palcast) (shared by Bob)
- Famundo (shared by Cheryl)
- Horizon Project (shared by Cheryl)
- Democracy: Internet TV (shared by Alice)
- TeacherTube (shared by Alice)
- Clipsync (shared by Alice)
Technorati Tags: SEEDLINGS, podcast, cheryloakes, alicebarr, bobsprankle, SEED,
7 responses so far ↓
1 Brett Moller // Mar 29, 2007 at 12:55 am
Hey again guys,
Another great show…. I am about to start a new project here in Australia with a school where I will be designing some unique learning spaces for students engaging with digital media… I want to line up as many folk around the place as possible who may be willing to add their thoughts to our project. It am going to blog it and create an online environment to gauge the progress of the program. Be great to demonstrate the power of global teacher community. More at my blog soon…. Well maybe by the time you read this it will be there.
2 Maria Knee // Mar 30, 2007 at 6:23 pm
Hello Bob, Cheryl, and Alice,
Bob got me started on the Webkinz thing when he first mentioned it in an earlier podcast. I asked my kindergarten students what they knew about them and several children have them. I decided to get one to use as a class pet. My intention was that one child each day would have a turn to “care” for the online pet but we are having trouble with the site loading on the classroom computer. I use my laptop with the class and a projector and we care for the pet together. We’ve had some great discussions about what the pet needs and how to spend the Kinz cash. We use a few of the activities. I’m finding that I can connect areas of the curriculum to this as well. It has also given us a real life reason to discuss online safety issues. Just thought I’d let you know what you started for me! have fun, Cheryl and Alice!
3 Cheryl // Apr 1, 2007 at 7:36 pm
I have my lilkinz, her name is Bacon, she is a pig.
4 Bob // Apr 2, 2007 at 5:42 pm
How are you?!
I’m so interested in hearing more about your “class pet” (perhaps a Skype conversation soon?). I’ve been wondering about the possibility of such a venture. I even asked some 4th graders what they thought… they immediately suggested that class meetings and decision making would have to happen, as well as voting and consensus agreement!
5 Maria Knee // Apr 2, 2007 at 8:23 pm
Bob - the whole class Webkinz experience is a conversation waiting to happen. We are most certainly involved in whole class decision making. Some members of the class are working with numbers that they don’t usually work with. I am learning about what some children can do that I would not have seen in regular classroom activities. One very quiet girl is my most dominate and vocal authority on dealing with our pet. It is great to see her in this light. It is amazing! And besides - it may become my second life! Ha!
6 Cheryl Oakes // Apr 9, 2007 at 8:41 am
Bob, I just want to give you a cyber compliment for always leading the pack with blogging and podcasting. Thanks for being there, here and everywhere!
7 pet-sitting.1pets // Sep 9, 2007 at 9:12 am
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