Student News: September 10, 2004

Written by the Students of 208

This week we read books by Patricia Pollaco. We realized that most of her stories are connected to her own life.

We also read Roxaboxen by Alice McLerran . We used Context Clues to answers questions about the story.

We played a game called, “A What?” We passed objects around and we got really crazy trying to remember what to say.

We learned about Mastery Objectives. They tell us about what we’re learning and why we are learning it. We read them before the lesson.

We did the “Bag of Me” shares. The “Bag of Me” shares are when you bring in three things from home to explain about your life and what you like to do. Later we are going to turn the share into writing.

We wrote a letter to Ms. Lang and we put all the letters in a book called, “Because Brian Hugged his Mother” and gave to the book to her. We did this because she came in and talked to us about bullying (out of her busy schedule).

We made name tags for our lockers.

We wrote “Hopes and Dreams.” This was to show how much fun we might have and what our dreams are for the school year.

Posted: Fri - September 10, 2004 at 05:34 PM

